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James Clay

James Clay

Head of Higher Education and Student Experience, Jisc

As Head of Higher Education and Student Experience, my role is to ensure Jisc’s Higher Education strategy meets the needs of our higher education members and UK wide funders, providing excellent value for money and high levels of member and funder satisfaction. I work closely with colleagues across Jisc to support, develop and successfully implement Jisc’s Higher Education strategy.  My role requires extensive and close working with universities across the UK, to ensure that Jisc understands their needs and requirements, and work across Jisc to provide the services, products, advice and guidance and consultancy required to support universities, meet their requirements, and satisfy their needs. I have responsibilities for lobbying/promoting Jisc to key stakeholders, funders, owners and sector agencies at regional, national and UK side level.

I have worked in the education sector since 1993 and have extensive experience in the use of technology to enhance and enrich learning. I have been a CIO, a teacher, a project director, TEL manager, libraries manager, an IT director and a senior manager. I have written articles for various journals and websites. I have presented keynotes at and attended many scholarly conferences. I have contributed to a range of research and Jisc projects. I have managed a range of projects over the years in various roles, including digital leadership, digital capabilities, the intelligent campus, mobile learning, e-books, IT infrastructure, learner analytics, copyright, institutional resources, e-learning, VLEs and student records. I have worked with universities across the UK in developing publications, guides, product development and research.

I led on the development of Jisc’s Intelligent Campus project and is now continuing our research into the intelligent and smart campus landscape.

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