Low Carbon
Energy Masterplanning for Net Zero Carbon: Retrofit on the HE estate - Sam Haston, Buro Happold & Sam McCabe, Oberlanders
Buro Happold and Oberlanders have been working with the University of Edinburgh since 2019 to develop an energy masterplan that delivers against the University’s Zero by 2040 goal. Through this project, the University has progressed from setting an ambitious target, to developing a deliverable decarbonisation plan. The Energy Masterplan we have developed in conjunction with key stakeholders in the University brings together robust modelling of energy, carbon and cost pathways, enriched with enhanced costing exercises and detailed building fabric over 60 buildings of various typologies. In this session, we will share the key lessons from our experience at Edinburgh, helping other education estates operators with net zero carbon ambitions to better plan for developing a robust and investible decarbonisation strategy.
Making Carbon Visible - Daniel Lockwood, Faithful+Gould & Helen Groves, Atkins
Have you set an ambitious net zero target for your existing estate? One of the biggest challenges for estate owners, in particular Universities and Local Authorities, is being able to plot a course for the decarbonisation of their many buildings and facilities: it is now a legal as well as moral imperative to respond to this challenge.
In this context we will explore why a deep understanding of data has become a major driver in decision-making. This data enables owner / occupiers of building portfolios of any scale, to successfully decarbonise entire building estates through the development and implementation of efficient, affordable and programme optimised net zero pathways. We will also demonstrate the importance of overlaying wider University data (such as occupancy rates, utilisation and student satisfaction), in addition to carbon information, in order to allow estates teams to make fully informed decisions. We will share our learning from recent projects and discuss the common barriers and opportunities.