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Conference 22


Sustainable Estate

15 Nov 2022
Stage 1

Delivery of an Affordable Future Learning Estate: the Challenges and Opportunities - Andy Hall, Learning Estate - Programme Manager, Moray Council & Jo Shirriffs, Head of Education Resources and Communities, Moray Council

The Moray Council Learning Estate consists of 53 schools – 45 primary and 8 secondary – support delivery of the educational curriculum to over 12,000 young people.

The Moray Learning Estate Strategy Delivery Programme aims, over the next 10 years, to deliver a sustainable, fit for purpose learning estate and requires an investment approaching £300m. The drive for a net zero carbon school estate over the next decade and ongoing requirements to improve digitally connectivity and capacity need further financial investment . Affordability is the greatest challenge to the success delivery of the Moray Learning Estate programme, and recent global issues on the supply chain have significantly added to this challenge. Savings within other areas of the Learning Estate will not provide the necessary assurance of affordability and instead revenue generation through innovative and adaptive use of the Estate is key to bridging the gap. Moray are in engaged in an iterative consultation process with the community, other services providers, third sector and private sector, to explore options for the utilisation of additional Estate capacity for long term revenue generation opportunities through investment in the implementation of an adaptable and flexible Learning Estate available 365 days a year.

The presentation will provide background on the Programme approach and the opportunities and delivery challenges:

  • How to better understand the potential for your Learning Estate
  • How to achieve effective Community Engagement
  • What are the challenges to transformational thinking and change management

Facilities Management & Net Zero Carbon: How effective property & estate management can deliver more sustainable environments - Mark Dolling, Mitie

Achieving Net Zero Carbon via new build is relatively straightforward - new output specifications and briefs ensure that new schools will be low-energy, sustainable environments. It’s the 32,000 schools we already have in the UK that present both the biggest challenge and opportunity. 

Wholescale retrofitting of buildings is the future, certainly, but at present, there are extremely limited capital resources available to local authorities, schools and other educational establishments to make significant investment. This, coupled with the sky-rocketing cost of energy, is driving a need to utilise teaching and learning environments more efficiently, change behaviours of building users and ensure existing systems are operating to optimum efficiency.

Couple this with affordable and targeted capital investment to significantly reduce energy consumption and an incremental approach to delivering NZC, utilising exemplary facilities management disciplines and innovation can make a huge difference.

The first step to creating more sustainable, net zero carbon teaching & learning environments is managing what we currently have more efficiently. It is baselining current building performance and consumption, optimising systems and processes and targeting intervention to get maximum ‘bang for your buck’. This presentation will unpack such an approach and provide practical guidance and examples of impact.

  • Optimising the efficiency of existing systems and buildings
  • Baselining current energy consumption and monitoring usage to inform targeted action
  • Innovation and Facilities Management insight from the UK’s leading FM and professional services company


Elaine Cook, Depute Chief Executive - West Lothian Council
Andy Hall, Programme Manager (Learning Estate) - Moray Council
Jo Shirriffs, Head of Education Services and Communities - Moray Council
Mark Dolling, Business Development Director (Local Government & Education) - Mitie
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