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Philip Galbraith

Philip Galbraith

Project Director, Morrison Construction

Philip is a highly accomplished Project Director, who has provided the strategic leadership for many of Morrison Construction most challenging and prestigious projects, including the £70M East Lothian Community Hospital.

Most recently Philip has played a key role in the development and delivery of some of our exemplar education projects. The Wallyford Learning Campus is a prime example Philips skillset, whereby he expertly guided a project not originally designed to follow the SFT LEIP criteria to be ‘back fitted’ to meet LEIP. In turn, Wallyford became the first project to reach site which met LEIP criteria. The project is progressing well and will be handed over in June 2023, with Philip successfully overseeing his delivery team throughout each stage.  

Philip is highly regarded by his peers and his Clients and is committed to meeting the highest standards in both development and delivery. He creates collaborative working environments and fully understands the drivers and requirements of Local Authority Clients in creating their modern and sustainable learning estates, and translates these into well considered and developed construction projects. He brings to each of his projects a proven track record, a dedication to quality and instils a firm focus of safety from the outset.

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