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Conference Information (copy)

Scotland's Learning Estate Conference 2024

The theme for this year's Learning Places Scotland Conference is Maximising Opportunities across the Learning Estate

This event has been structured with a balanced agenda. It allows attendees to attend engaging sessions, interactive workshops, networking opportunities and have time to explore the exhibitor areas. Attendees can customise their experience to suit their interests and needs.

As the only even of its kind specifically targeted at Scottish education, the event offers an annual glimpse into the learning estate of the future. With updates coming direct from the Scottish Government, and our CPD accredited speakers and exhibits, a glimpse into the future of education is on the horizon.

Stay up to date with key information, such as confirmed speakers, programme announcement, discounted delegate rates, etc by completing our 'Register your interest' form.

Call for Presentations now open!

Learning Places Scotland 2024 is an opportunity for everyone involved in Education from policy makers to educationalists, teachers, children and young people to come together with those directly involved in creating learning places. We will discuss how the built and natural environments can support the best outcomes for our children and communities creating inclusive low carbon places through the power of learning and investment in the learning estate.

We are inviting proposals for presentations, workshops, group discussions and exhibition material which will investigate, illustrate, demonstrate or celebrate the theme of ‘Maximising Opportunities across the Learning Estate’. These could relate to any part of the learning estate from early learning and childcare through primary, secondary and ASN schools, or into colleges, universities, vocational learning, partnerships, apprenticeships, CLD and beyond into other work or community spaces.

Do you have an idea to present on how we can make better use of our existing estate, or how new schools can deliver more for their communities? Are you an educationist who has a story to tell or a student with a vision to share? Everyone is welcome.

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