The foundation of Scotland’s Learning Estate Strategy is to improve the condition of the school estate, by delivering high quality, suitable, sustainable, low carbon and digitally enabled learning environments that support sustainable and inclusive economic growth. It is to use lessons learned from projects and partnerships to improve and innovate the way we join up learner experiences holistically. Collaboration, invested with learning, seeks to deliver the best possible outcomes for all learners and communities in Scotland.
The Learning Estate offers limitless opportunities to everyone. Whether a learner or teacher, a member of the community or a local business working with young people, a design consultant or construction professional, the opportunities created in and by our learning estate mean different things to different people.
What does it mean to you?
Learning Places Scotland 2024 is an opportunity for everyone involved in Education from policy makers to educationalists, teachers, children and young people to come together with those directly involved in creating learning places. We will discuss how the built and natural environments can support the best outcomes for our children and communities creating inclusive low carbon places through the power of learning and investment in the learning estate.
Conference Contributions
Following on from the 1-day conference in May, this year’s conference will continue to explore the topic of Maximising Opportunities across the Learning Estate. It is a forum to share your views on how we can create inspiring spaces and places that maximise these opportunities for all.
We are inviting proposals for presentations, workshops, group discussions and exhibition material which will investigate, illustrate, demonstrate or celebrate the theme of ‘Maximising Opportunities across the Learning Estate’. These could relate to any part of the learning estate from early learning and childcare through primary, secondary and ASN schools, or into colleges, universities, vocational learning, partnerships, apprenticeships, CLD
and beyond into other work or community spaces.
Do you have an idea to present on how we can make better use of our existing estate, or how new schools can deliver more for their communities? Are you an educationist who has a story to tell or a student with a vision to share? Everyone is welcome.
Proposals could be based on initiatives within Scotland or further afield. They may relate to completed projects, newbuilds, refurbishments/reconfiguration of existing buildings, outdoor improvements or temporary buildings, digital platforms and innovation, concepts in development, place based approaches to learning and community resilience, or potentially academic and technical research. Proposals may have a building component but could also be related to activities and practices which support the theme. Proposals are particularly welcome from anyone including children and young people, educators, building operators, design consultants, contractors, academics or the wider community. Challenge and vision are welcomed, as is sharing of lessons learned and experience of good practice.
A key requirement for the 2024 Conference is to develop ideas to make sure we’re ‘Maximising Opportunities across the Learning Estate’.